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Planning Board Minutes, 09/07/2014
Town of Lenox
Planning Board
September 9, 2014 at 6pm
Land Use Meeting Room, Town Hall

Members present:  Chair Kameron Spaulding, KS; Tom Delasco, TD; Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KMV; Mark S. Smith, MS
Members Absent: Linda Messana, LM (with notification)
Staff present: (Clerk P. Ammendola was away)
BOS Liaison present: Ken Fowler

Meeting Documents: revised copy of LSGM Solar Bylaw (September 11th, 2014 version); 9-9-14 Meeting Agenda

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.
Approval Not Required Plans: No plans were presented.

Solar Bylaw:
The Board finalized its review of the draft version of the Lenox Zoning Bylaw: Allowing Use of Large-Scale Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installations. KMV presented some amendments and modifications since the previous review of September 2nd which had taken the Board through the 3.8 Signage section. TD moved to approve the Draft Bylaw as amended and MS seconded. The Board voted to approve 4-0. KS will formally present the Draft Bylaw to the Selectmen at their September 17th meeting. Following that, the Draft Bylaw will be distributed to the town’s applicable committees, boards and services for their review and input, before holding a public informational meeting.

Upcoming Meetings:
KS announced some upcoming meetings:
  • ‘Rest of River’; a discussion about the proposals of the cleanup of the Housatonic River at the Berkshire Scenic Railway Station in Lenox on September 10th.
  • The town will host a public meeting at Town Hall on September 17th  at 10:00am  with Kinder Morgan about the proposed natural gas pipeline.
Town Planner Update:
KS updated the Board that Town Manager Ketchen had enlisted a committee of volunteers (ZBA, PB and BOS members) to participate in the upcoming interview process in an advisory capacity. The interviews will take place on September 15th.

Approval of the Minutes: TD made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 12, 2014 meeting. KMV seconded and the Board voted to approve 3-0-1 (MS was not in attendance).

Correspondence from Abutting Communities: no correspondence.

MS made a motion to adjourn. TD seconded and the Board voted (4-0) to adjourn at 7:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Mark S. Smith